Location haryana - Animstok.com


Buffalo for Sale – Murrah

108,000total price

Nilli Buffalo

65,000total price

Borador dog


Rottweiler Puppy

12,000total price

Borador dog


German Shepherd

18,000total price

Cocker Spaniel Dog

20,000total price

Golden Retriever Dog

16,000total price

Indian Spitz

5,000total price

German Shepherd Dog

15,000total price

Pitbull Puppy

15,000total price

German Shepherd dog

18,000total price

Golden Retriever dog

15,000total price

Shih tzu dog

0total price

Pug dog

25,000total price

Rottweiler dog

11,000total price

Rottweiler dog

18,000total price

Beagle dog

28,000total price

Beagle dog

7,500total price

German Shepherd

18,000total price

Rottweiler dog

6,000total price

German Shepherd

7,000total price

Guniea Pig For Sale

1,000total price

Holstein Friesian (HF) Cow

30,000total price

Punganur Cow


Nagpuri buffalo

70,000total price

Toda Buffalo

70,000total price

Murrah buffalo

70,000total price

Godavari Buffalo

40,000total price


30,000total price

HF Cow

35,000total price

Murrah Buffalo

35,000total price

Jafarabadi Buffalo

72,000total price

Tibtian mastiff Dog

80,000total price

Persian Cat

6,500total price

Marwari Mare

200,000total price

Nilli Buffalo

40,000total price

HF Cow


Black Holstein Friesian Cow

30,000total price

Sahiwal Cow

30,000total price

Murrah Buffalo

30,000total price

Tharparkar Cow

30,000total price

Holstein Friesian(HF) Cow

60,000 100,000
total price

Murrah Buffalo

130,000 200,000

Gir Cow

75,000total price

Sahiwal Cow

70,000total price

Haryana Cow

151,000total price

Murrah Buffalo

235,000total price

Murrah Buffalo

220,000total price

Murrah Buffalo


Murrah Buffalo

240,000 270,000
total price

Jakhrana ( Milking Goat)

25,000 50,000

Goat Kids

5,000 20,000

Jakhrana (Adults)

20,000 25,000

Haryana Cow

60,000total price

Murrah Buffalo

95,000total price

Jafarabadi Buffalo

100,000total price

Surti buffalo

70,000total price

Banni Buffalo

90,000total price

Gujri Goat


Sirohi Goat


Sirohi Goat Kids


Jakhrana Goat


Sonali Chicks

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